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At GFG Student Chapter IIIT-Bh, we believe in community driven efforts. Developers, designers, machine learning enthusiasts, technical content writers come under one roof, to learn and grow together by reaching out to the community.

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Our Focus

To create a budding community where quality learning and community driven efforts matters the most. We strive to deliver the club's resources in a manner that not only encourages learning but also motuvates students to pursue their career paths wholeheartedly.

We conducted insightful workshops on Web Development, Competitive Programming, Open Source and lot more!

Get to know the team

We have got a dedicated team of designers,developers and managers who strive to help the community get the best resources and learning path.

The Team


We are actively conducting workshops, and also contributing to the development side by churning out high quality projects.



Our prime focus is to learn and grow together. Our team roll out events regularly.

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We’re very active on social media.

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